Friday, February 7, 2014

Beautiful day, Beautiful life

                Does anyone else find it hard to believe that it’s already February?! It seems like just yesterday we were celebrating the start of 2014, but now we’re almost 2 months in. I never used to understand when adults would say “time flies by”, but now I do. In just 23 days, I’ll be 17 years old. I’ll be graduating in just over a year, and then not long after that I’ll be heading off to do whatever God wants me to; I don’t know what that is yet, but I do have a small idea, and I feel like that idea is confirmed a little more and more as time goes by. Anyways, that’s really not my point for this post. My point does, however, have to do with time. I have a lot on my mind that I want to share with you all tonight, so if this post seems a bit random at first, please just bare with me, because I promise I DO have a point.

                First of all, I have come to realize that I do not like winter all that much (random point #1). In the past when some one would ask me about my favorite season, I would say winter, with almost no hesitation. I loved the idea of snow, hot cocoa, a break from school, and of course, Christmas! Of course I do still love these things, but this past month has really strained my love for winter. It seems like this year so far has consisted of nothing but days with freezing cold temperatures, school cancellations (for various reasons), and snow and ice taking a hold to every outdoor surface. However, last Saturday the temperature got all the way up to 64 degrees, and the sun was out all day long! It was seriously an incredible day for me, and as I reflected on it later I realized that winter *isn’t* my favorite season (shocker! ;)) Now I feel like my favorite season is somewhere between spring and summer, where the daily temperature is just right and the sun stays in the sky without a sign of snow. I so enjoyed Saturday’s surprise weather, because I got to enjoy some time outside. I normally don’t spend much time outside, but right now, all I can think about is how amazing it’ll be when the weather is nice enough that I can go to the park and swing for hours, or treat my sister to ice cream at our town’s “Crisps” (don’t tell her I said that though ;)). The point I’m trying to make here, is that I really like what comes along with warmer weather. You know how some people say that sunshine makes you happier? Well as cliché as that may sound, it is SO true!! As much as I try not to complain about the cold, it’s not easy. However, the feeling of joy and happiness that I felt Saturday was a beautiful reminder that the sun will ALWAYS come back out; and I’m really looking forward to that.

                Alright, enough talk about the weather. Really, I just said all of this because I feel like it’s something I needed to say to lead up to my big point.  Another point I want to make goes back to something I mentioned earlier: Time is flying by. Seriously guys, I’m not trying to sound cheesy, but it’s true; life is short, and it’s going by a lot faster than I wish it would. From a very young age I've spent so much time planning my future, and now I’m almost 17, and all I want is to enjoy life. So many times I spend countless hours looking ahead and planning what I think would be a perfect and unforgettable moment, and I miss the moments I’m already standing in. So many times the words “Hold on, I gotta get my camera!” come out of my mouth, and by the time I get the picture, all I have left to remember of that moment is what’s on my SD card. Don’t get me wrong, I love taking pictures. As a scrapbooker and someone who simply loves to look back on special moments, pictures are very important to me! However, I don’t like that I spend so much time planning the perfect photo-op while at the same time I just want to enjoy that moment. I've seen so many pictures and heard so many people say “Live in the moment”, that for a long time I honestly felt like that was the most cliché phrase in the entire world. In addition to that, I thought it was something people said to persuade others to drink and party because “there might not be a tomorrow, so who cares what you do today?!” (Yes, I really thought this). However, now I see that this phrase is all about perspective. There are always going to be people who think this way, but for me, I’m choosing to live by what I think the *real* meaning is.

                Life is short. Each day is a gift from God and He gives us blessings in each and every moment. He doesn't give us an expiration date for our lives, because if He did we’d spend so much time dwelling on that, and we wouldn't think about Him and all of His love for us. He doesn't tell us how long we have to live for Him, so what are we waiting for?! Don’t waste even ONE moment. Don’t let one memory slip by. Don’t live like you’re gonna die, live like you've been given a new life! Because you have! He’s given us all new life, and it’s a free gift!

                And most of all, take the time to stop and live in the moment. It’s not a just cliché statement you get in fortune cookies or see on Pinterest; it’s a blessing. The ability to cherish and enjoy even the simplest of moments is the blessing of a lifetime, and I pray that we never forget this. Especially because even the simplest of moments can make for an absolutely beautiful day in the midst of the beautiful lives we've all been given.
Psalms 118:24 - This is the day that the Lord has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it.

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