Saturday, October 6, 2012

1 week down, 6 to go!

Well, finally made it through our first week of teaching the children. I'm not gonna lie, it's challenging. The language barrier is probably the hardest part. Even though they speak english, its hard for them to understand us. We try to ask them a question, and they simply repeat whatever we said. But even though we face challenges on this trip, i'm just so thankful to be here. And the children seem to really enjoy having us here. Every morning when we arive at the school, they start screaming "Mzoongoo! Mzoongoo!" or sometimes "Teacher! Teacher!" And as soon as we get out of the car, they run to us, wanting to carry our stuff for us. These children never cease to amaze me! They will follow us everywhere, and they like to touch us to see if our white skin will rub off, and they go crazy when we give them treats! But more than anything, they love learning about Jesus. We've tought them the lyrics to "Jesus loves me" and "Jesus loves the little children", and they love it! They want to sing it all the time. And when we hand out the bible story books we brought, they just love to flip through it and look at the colorful pictures! It really does amaze them!

Its really hard for me to believe the first week has already come and gone. I guess that's just what happens when you're having fun. Before i know it, we'll be getting on a plane to head back to Kentucky! Even though 6 weeks seems like a long time now, it'll go by so fast. I'm just so grateful for this opportunity to return to Uganda, and spread the word of God to these people. They are in my heart, and always on my mind, and still will be even after these 6 weeks come to an end.

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